Telemedicine: What Do Patients Think?

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We write a lot about how telemedicine fits in with providers, specialties facilities… But what do patients think about seeing doctors virtually?

We at CloudVisit speak directly to doctors interested in implementing telemedicine. While we will have the occasional call with a patient regarding login or connection, we don’t hear many direct testimonials. So, we ask our clients what their clients are saying!

Here are some of the comments that we’ve received over the last few months – paraphrased, of course.

    • It’s better than I expected. I’ve been going to my primary care doctor for 4 years. I thought the video chat was going to feel removed, but seeing a familiar face, talking to me just as he would in person, made me feel at ease. And I still got my prescription that I typically would go into the office to get a script for.
    • A good option for psychiatry. There isn’t a difference between telemedicine and being in the office. I do enjoy skipping the waiting room.
    • So, telemedicine doesn’t get rid of copays? Still, just as easy as ordering something online. A great alternative.
    • Is this what I should expect for the future? It’s nice to have options when it comes to healthcare.
    • I wasn’t expecting coverage for this with Medicaid – so, a very nice surprise.
    • I still don’t love going to the doctor, but not leaving my couch is nice. I think the video appointment did the job of a typical appointment. I picked up a prescription and was recommended some over-the-counter meds, and felt better in a few days.

We’re not ignoring that some folks were wary at first – parents especially. But, the typical case of a child’s third ear infection can be significantly eased with telemedicine: a quick online session followed by a prescription call-in to the nearest pharmacy. No missed work or travel necessary! So, we find that people’s opinions change pretty quickly if they were nervous about changing their routines.

Do you use telemedicine – as a patient, or a provider? Leave your patient experiences in the comments – we love feedback!

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