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How Can Telemedicine Be Used To Market Your Practice?

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Yes, telemedicine will urge your practice to alter its regular routines. At CloudVisit, we say that your practice will only change as much as you will allow it to. But, change, in this case, can be an excellent thing. If you don’t welcome it, you can’t expect to collect ROI.

Make Your Business Unmatched

Telemedicine can be the factor that positively differentiates your practice from Dr. Jones down the road. Offering a convenient service will attract attention. If properly announced, your available telemedicine service can be the deciding factor for local patients. Sure, they can make it into the office, but oftentimes, they’d rather stay home.

Special Features – With CloudVisit

With a CloudVisit subscription, each medical facility receives a free portal. This portal is a custom-created landing page which lets patients to log in and register for accounts. This URL is one you should remember by heart to refer your patients to during their in-office visits. Simply drop the idea in your conversations – we know you’re discussing the weather, anyway – and more than likely, your patients will be intrigued.

If you forget to mention the service or your patients ask for specific step-by-step instructions, CloudVisit offers every client a customized PDF white paper with patient registration directions for your reception area. The paper directs them to the portal and walks them through the simple registration process.

Some telemedicine platforms (ours certainly included!) have features within the system to ease your patients into the telemedicine space. CloudVisit offers a “mass patient import” feature, allowing the provider or admin to upload a file with all current patients’ names and email addresses. CloudVisit then creates an account for each patient and sends out emails letting patients know that with just a few extra steps, they can begin using telemedicine.

Your Website

Post a link to your telemedicine portal on your practice website’s homepage – preferably, within a large header. With this, current and future patients will see the new service.

Social Media

If done right, social media can help with patient engagement. Let your patients know about your new telemedicine service through social media posts. It also wouldn’t hurt to promote your social media links and handles in your hard materials, such as informational service brochures you probably already hand out.

Remember: a single social media post won’t generate incredible results. Keep at it, and remember to reinforce the service’s convenience and importance in continuity of care.

Text Messages

More and more medical practices are following up with patients via text alerts. Patients tend not to ignore their doctor texting them, so this can be an innovative way to use the texting system. Send your patients a text announcing your new service and share the portal link.


Word-of-mouth really is the best advertising. So, the more telemedicine sessions you hold, the more your patients will tell their friends, families, coworkers, book club members, golf buddies…
Can you think of other ways to market a new telemedicine service? We love hearing your feedback.


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One Response

  1. Sharon McCartney
    | Reply

    I like this post. Marketing and education are very important to the success of a telemedicine program and you have some good advice on how to make that happen. Thanks.

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